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Tax-Exempt Verification

Because of new sales tax laws, every tax-exempt purchaser must complete this form.

Verifying Your Tax-Exempt Status

If your state does NOT collect sales tax:
 1. Complete A through C below; under D, select the final option.
 2. Click Submit.

If your state collects sale tax:
 1. Complete all fields of your state's tax-exempt certificate.
  To avoid re-submitting next year, on your certificate:
   • Select a “blanket certificate” option.
   • Do not select a “one-time-use” option.
 2. Complete A through D below.
 3. Click Submit.

* indicates required

A. Organization *

B. Contact Person *

C. Email Address *

D. Select one: *
   Certificate previously submitted is still valid.
   I want to upload a completed certificate.
   I want to send a completed certificate in an email.
   I want to send a completed certificate by regular mail.
   My state does not collect sales tax.


Questions? Write to info@milesbcohen.com or call 718‑225‑4805.

© 2021–2024 Miles B. Cohen